What to plant and where to plant it…

how simple…

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to start a garden. Maybe you want to know how to grow your own tomato…Marlee knows how to help.

Dozens of YouTube videos …little if no help at the box stores …We have all been there…Let us help.

Right here at Marlee, we know plants. Lots and lots of plants.

Call us and we can walk you through what to plant, when to plant it, and how to make it thrive with a minimum of effort.

Marlee can and will walk with you through your landscape and give you professional one on one advice to help you achieve the garden and landscape you’ve always wanted.

What to plant and where to plant it. Marlee knows and we can help….promise!

Garden coaching consultations start at a modest fee and we promise you’ll be happy and start to make your new home yours.